
I heard it once said that the worse invention was that of the cellphone. And I tend to believe it. Furthermore, I am in agreement that use of a cellphone while driving should be banned. Allow me to explain:

I have 2 cellphones and a tablet. The 2nd cellphone is in the house in case I lose the first one and thats all. And the tablet has only once left the house. So I use my cellphone wisely.

Others I am not sure of. In fact I think some people will not learn the dangers of driving and texting until someone dies in an accident and by that time it will be to late.

I know of a couple people who make phone calls and text while driving. Sometimes they make use of all three cellphones at once. Thus putting passengers and other drivers at risk.  But what can be done to curb the threat?

What can be done  if you know of someone who sends text messages while driving?

If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to make a comment.

Something has to change in Michigan to stop people from this behaviour.



I’m Alive

Here is

Below is some of the websites and or blogs I maintain.

I hope you will take a little time out of your day and see where yours truly has been oer the last few months. I hope to be here far more often giving you a little insite from time to time.

  1. Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc.
  2. Littlethunders Castle main site
  3. Littlethunders Castle mirror site
  4. Littlethunder on Facebook
  5. Littlethunders photo
  6.  Main blog





Where to find me

I wish i were here every day but its never that easy. Thus I leave you today a list where you can find me.

I also just downloaded Skype and have zero clue how to use it

Oh yeah btw here is a three items you could use as a background for your website:


052x7spbg9diamond blue

Will YOU accept the following challenge?

Will YOU accept the following challenge? Sign up NOW!

WHEN: July 4 2015
Location: Facebook

The Challenge:
This challenge if for ALL professing Christians.

Object: NOT to post anything on Facebook starting at 12:01am est July 4th until midnight.

Any and all postings will cost the sender the simple sum of $3.33 each in U S dollars
payable to Thunderdome Ministries

Will YOU accept this challenge?

You may pay in advance. But be aware. If you are caught posting more than what you sign up for you will still own the ministry.

You may make checks (certified over the amount of $75 please) or money orders payable to:
Thunderdome Ministries Network Inc
3513 Clairmont Street
Flint MI 48503
Att:David Liebler, Founder

All funds will go directly into the ministry bank account at Chase Bank.

Single or married?

Regardless what race, creed or color of your skin it comes down to this:

Single or married?

If your married there is lots to do. Plus there are hundreds of discounts available. Lets look at a few shall we?

Discounts at theme parks like Cedar Point, Six Flags or at any number of Disney parks.
Discounts for cruises
Perhaps discounts for hotel rooms
Family afternoon/night at movies
Father-son events
Father-daughter dances

The above is only a few. But what about those who are single or divorced?

Divorce support group
Bowling leagues
Softball teams
Single parents events

                                                              But wait! STOP THE PRESSES!

                        There has to be more for singles right?

Several years ago several Christian had a Friday or Saturday night event. We would get together at some ones house or apartment to watch Christian movies. In time this faded into the sunset like a good Indiana Jones movie.

Lets take a look at churches: How many events and or classes does your place of worship have for singles?

per week?

per month?

per year?

Does it seem that every sermon is direct towards the “family?” Or hints are given to singles that go something like this, “for those who are single, you’ll need this in case you ever get married.”

Lets face the fact: to be single/divorced means you are part of a minority. Of course certain people would/will deny that statement. Yet we all know its true. But, is there hidden benefits to being single? The answer is yes!

Tom Cruise showed us in the movie Top Gun: Yes its nice to run around the house in your underwear.It sure saves on the laundry bill.
Food; you only have to cook for one. Better yet TV dinners have just the right portion and there are no left overs.
Having more time for ministry work or Bible studies.

Yes there are down sides to being single. But that is a situation that many singles work out for themselves as time proceeds forward.

Regardless how much your single a person must not forget that s/he always has one friend for all eternity, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that ye love one another.” John 15: 12-17

In closing remember the following whether in the pulpit or not

Single people


as human as those who are married.

Opps….my bad

House-Warming-3I m sorry I nearly forgot to pen the following:

On the afternoon of March 28th 2015 I finally  had my house warming party at my first house.

Location was in Flint Michigan. Between Miller Road and M21

Dispite best efforts ten people showed up.Everyone from Faith City Church from Fenton Michigan.

Sadly not a single neighbor piped in to say hello. Hope this is not a reflection of things to come. Otherwise it could make for a lonely 25 plus years.

Since this was a potluck affair i had plenty of food afterword.Yep, I can say that some leftovers are better with age, this applies mostly to chili.

Gifts? indeed there was several who brought gifts. Some were cash and some quite useable such as an electric lawnmower and tables.

Did you want to attend but could not make it? Maybe you wanted to send gifts.Well, frankly you still can. Here is how;

simply send the love gift** to the following address
David Liebler
3513 Clairmont Street
Flint Mi 48503
** If sending a financial love gift please use be sure the check is certified.

BTW….it was recently  learned that 95% of my bake-ware is MIA and must be replaced. Otherwise, no brownies, cakes or pies. Can you help me regain  all my bake-ware?

Many thanks to Mark Blue from Waterford Michigan who repainted the inside of my home in January. Some Photos below:

Master Bedroom repaintedIMG_0102IMG_0100IMG_0104


I’ve been on the World Wide Web since 1988 when things were pretty raw. But one thing that has bugged me in certain online games, mostly casino games. Allow me to explain;

Back in the days of arcades, and I miss them so much, we played games for fun and sometimes tokens. That was all good as it kept you returning to the same arcade. And so I got truly addicted to the arcade mores to the good old fashion pinball machines. Now I was NOT a Pinball Wizard but I loved the sounds, vibrations and feel of a good machine.

Today we have games of all sorts on the World Wide Web. Some are on places like Pogo or Facebook but they all miss two real things. Number one they don’t have the sounds or feel like the games from arcades. Secondly there are really no rewards to give you the sense of accomplishment.

Thus, and here is what I propose to someonewith the brains to legally pull this off;

Develop a game site that pays off in real time cash prizes. I am NOT talking about casino type gaming as some people can not afford such type games. Some people, such as the elderly and disabled are on a fixed income. Thus we would NOT wanting them, or anyone else, risking house and home. Thus the challenge to develop a gaming website were real prizes are issued.

What type of prizes? Anything one could want: cash, clothing, vacation of all types. Got the picture?
These are gifts and prizes any person could win. Could you picture taking a cruise on a ship on the Great Lakes? How about an all expense paid vacation to places like Cedar Point or Six Flags?
There are endless places one could go right here in the good old United States of America, right?And at zero pocket money to each and every player,

Now, dear reader, the challenge is out.
Can such a website be created at zero cost whatsoever to the potential public?
Will you be the one to create such a sweet spot for the public?
If you are feel free to contact me for more details @ gods-little-evangelist@outlook.com lets work out the details for the common good.

It Has to be…..

done. no way around it!

How does yours truly keep his PC running smoothly ? In one word, maintenance!

Just like a person takes care of his/her car one needs to do maintenance on their computer.You just can not drive a car without gas and oil so you need tools to care for your computer.

As for myself here is a list of tools I use on a regular bases;

Now that this year is closing I make sure to run all the above on December 31st. Why? This gives me the confidence  that I am going into a new year with a squeakie clean computer. Why all the detail?  Every item I use provides a little something that another may miss. The PC Pitstop mentioned is run after the others have done their task. PC Pitstop helps make me aware of areas that need adjusting

Now its time for you to put your computer through its paces to be sure your going into the new year with a cleaned up system.

See you next year!

happy new year 003


“Good Day!”

Allow me to ask you a question, then I will proceed; Do you remember a radio announcer by the name of Paul Harvey?   I know I sure do!  Just as a refresher here are a few quotes you may remember:

Sometimes we can get so caught-up in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season that we forget something ever so simple. Christmas does not have to be high-tech. In fact it is about as low tech as you can get. And yet, well this may seem sappy and even Biblical but where along the line did society, as a whole, forget about, “our brothers keeper.”

As a Christian I see people in my church helping one another just like a family does. Yet, there is two parts of society that often seems to get neglected #1 those who are single and maybe with no family and #2 those who are in prisons both locally and globally.

Are we really our brothers keeper? or is that basic of basic principals gone down the ways of floppy disks and software no longer apt to keep-up with an ever changing world?

Im no sure if Paul Harvey was a simple man, and he may very well was. I would like to think he was one part of society, just like my church, who….knew how to be a “brothers keeper.” Instead of all the fighting and protests thats going on. Maybe one should ask a friend or neighbor, “can I be your brothers keeper?”

Believe it or not the principle of our brothers keeper ought to ring loud not just at Christmas time. Instead it ought to ring 365.4 days a year all over this place we call earth.

Special links to Paul Harvey and my favorite commercial

Year End Clearance


I bet you thought this entry was in regards to some store hawking their goods right?


What this is about is you clearing out unwanted emails


As you may know, not all email is spam!  Some email comes your way from various places.  Example: when I recently moved I was getting mail from seemingly every corner of the globe; and im not just talking about email. All of which I was glad to receive as it provided ideas how to fix up my little corner of this place called Earth.

Now you know that companies X, Y,and Z will send mail for a limited time. And to cut their losses they will discontinue sending you their material out of cost cutting measures. That is how they operate using the postal system.

Email is different. To companies X,Y and Z email is a freebie. Thus, they have nothing to lose as long as you or your email provider does not declare it as spam. To stop getting email from just about any company look down at the bottom of their email. In very small print you ought to see the word, “unsubscribe.”   Click on that word and you should no longer receive that companies email within a weeks time. If after seven working days you continue to receive their material then you can classify it as spam.

Just how often does yours truly clean up his email ? Normally, it comes down to twice a year. But I make sure its done in the last two weeks in December, mostly because I like to have a clean slate going into January.

Word to the wise

I maintain three mail accounts: one for my friends, my Gmail account for 98% of Google related material and my third strictly for business which gets a once over before deleting. How many email accounts should you have? The answer is simple; whatever you are comfortable with. If you can handle only one that’s okay too.

I now return you to your favorite shopping location.



Never do the following #1 never give anyone you work with your personal email address, not even your  boss! Give them a different email address. #2 Never give out your password(s) not even to your spouse, family members and so forth.

See you in 2015

happy new year 003


Housing Update 5/20/14

Yesterday I informed  you that I had not located a place to call my own. Furthermore I gave you a phone number of the church where you could assist if you so desired. That was over 24 hours ago. This entry will bring you up to speed as to what has transpired.

  1.  a house has opened up in the Flint Michigan area that belonged to someone at the church of church I attend. Listed price is around 24K, which is below what I have been approved for.
  2.  While coloring of a house is little concern it happens to be the very color I said I wanted  way back in October of 2013. Thus, I am getting what I prayed for.

Now I bet you are wondering if you can still assist right? And the answer is a big indeed and here is how.

  1. If you want to help with a financial gift please continue to follow the directions of yesterdays entry. Simply contact Faith City Church in Fenton Michigan by calling 1-810 570-2200 and ask how you can help with David Lieblers house.
  2. The second way you can help is by helping to fulfill a special Wish List that was created in Amazon which can be located @ http://amzn.com/w/9H6VZ2GSGZ4Y  

Since this is my first house and a “man cave” everything except the kitchen sink will be needed. As you look through the Wish List you may be able to see themes taking place. Cases in point;  Bathroom: Pirate/Tall Ship theme   Living Room: Cars/Transportation  Master Bedroom: Space/NASA/Hubble  Second Bedroom: converted to den/TV room

Please note the following: a move in date has not been set as of yesterday. However, it could transpire by the end of June.

Therefor, moving into an empty house is truly not preferred.

Mind you of this one very thing: It is God who pulled this together and I can account this to  another “infallible proof” of just how much HE cares for one of His people. But make no mistake about it this very God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob uses people on this planet to manifest Himself. So the  final question comes down to this:

Will you be used of God to assist someone in the faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ?




Housing Update

For some readers this is a much needed entry.

Late last year yours truly wound up losing a place to live through various lies.
Since then I have been living on God’s good grace staying a month or two at a Christians home. All the while waiting to buy my very first house I can afford in the Holly Michigan area. The biggest issue is money since I am on disability and NOT eligible for low income housing.
So as June 2014 approaches I continue to live on God’s good grace.

Just a note here to my dear readers and friends.
If you are so inclined to assist and would like more information please contact Faith City church in Fenton Michigan at 1-810-750-2200 And ask how you can help David Liebler  and his housing issue.

Thank you for spending a little time today with…..Littlethunder.

Where are you?

The following is true. Names have not been changed to protect any person alive or dead.

I was not born with the name I have now. In reality I was born on July 27 1953 in Norman Oklahoma as David Rushlow. I don’t remember anything about my real mother except that she must have cared about life to make sure I was born. I heard tell had I had grandparents in the Rose City Michigan area but I would not know is only hearsay.

The people who adopted me said hey “loved me” but when their little boy turned out to be the “black sheep” in the family they kicked me out of the house at the age of twelve. Never to live under their roof again. When I tried to reconcile with them in 2005 they again kicked me, and my Christian friend I was with, out the door.

                  Of all the things I have on my “Bucket List” there is only one thing I would want the most…..

To meet and spend time with my biological family once and for all.
Where are you mom, dad?